Annual Plant Pelham Day
Help us Plant Pelham!
Each year, Pelham Preservation & Garden Society members and volunteers undertake a planting day in public greenspaces around Pelham. In 2003, 8,000 daffodil bulbs were planted at the Sixth Street Playground. In 2004, bulbs were planted in Memorial Park on Fifth Avenue. In the fall of 2005, daffodil bulbs were planted around the Post Road "Mile Marker" on the Esplanade. In subsequent years, the organization has also planted bulbs along Wolfs Lane, in areas around the train station, at Pelham Memorial High School and Middle School, and surrounding the "Old Post Road" marker on Colonial Avenue. Contact us if you would like to come out and dig with us!
Old Post Road Market at Pelham Memorial High School
Kids of all ages welcome!
An event for the whole family
Fall 2003 Bulb Planting at Sixth Street Playground
Daffodils at train station